Private head-up displays are a engineering whose time should by now to have arrive, but which notwithstanding makes an attempt these as the Google Glass, have steadfastly refused to capture on. There’s an intriguing risk in [Basel Saleh]’s CaptionIt venture while, a head-up screen that presents captions for every day circumstances.
The components is a little I²C OLED display with a reflector and a 3D-printed mount hooked up to a pair of glasses, and it’s claimed that it will operate with just about any ARM v7 SBC, together with a lot more current Raspberry Pi boards. It takes advantage of the vosc speech recognition toolkit to browse audio from a USP audio device, with the resulting text currently being exhibited on the display.
The gadget is proven in motion in the video underneath the break, and with no making an attempt it ourselves we can’t remark on its utility, but aside from the novelty we can see it could have a sizeable impact as an accessibility aid. But it’s as an electronic Babel fish coupled with translation software program that we’d like to see it establish, so that inadvertent but hilarious intercontinental misunderstandings can be shared by all.
Frequent audience will know that we’ve brought you plenty of HUD tomfoolery in the earlier.
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