May 1, 2024


The Joy of Technology

The What’s and How’s of UI Design Website

What is UI? 

UI means User Interface, this is the process designers use to create interfaces for software or computerized devices. Its design and looks are important since people are more focused on the appearance of the interface. Designers also make sure it’s user-friendly. UI Design Website also need to have a good appearance to attract more viewers, since websites are considered the window of companies to show people what their company does then it should be engaging enough.

To be able to build a user interface design website, elements are needed to come up with a website that people can navigate when they visit your page. Here are some of the elements :

Input Controls

Input Controls are interactive components in your user interface. This includes :

  • Buttons indicate action upon touch.
  • Text Fields allows users to enter text, it can be a single line or multiple.
  • Check Box allows viewers to check several boxes presented in a vertical list.
  • Dropdown List allows viewers to select from a list of items but is on compact view when not in use.
  • Toggles allow users to switch settings from one state to another.
  • Date Box allows website users to select a date in filling online up  forms.

Navigation Components

  • Navigation Components are interactions that allow your website, viewers, to across, into, and back out into different pieces of your website content.
  • Slider or track bar allows users to change or adjust values.
  • Tags allow users to find topics in the same category.
  • An icon is a clickable image seen on the interface. Clicking this can lead you to the page you want to see.

Information Components

  • Information Components are the ones responsible for exchanging information between website owners and viewers.
  • Notifications show updates happening on your websites.
  • Message Boxes are small windows that provide information to users and require action before they can move forward to the next step.


  • Containers are tabs used to contain all the icons and viewers can click each of them to land on individual pages or contents.
  • An accordion is a stacked list of items. When clicked it expands and shows the content within.

Easy ways to make your user interface more accessible

1.Resizing Contents and Pages Should be Allowed

This will allow people to view the pages or contents better since they can zoom in, they will be more interested to read it. By doing so they can learn more about your company, your product, your services, or anything you can offer them.

2. Add Alt Text on your Images

Alt-text is a function that allows visually impaired people to have the image be described by an audio function in order for them to know what the image looks like. People from all walks of life will have the possibility of checking your website to make it available for everyone by using this function to reach out to more viewers. Another tip will be to make the alt text short since most people would only focus on the first 125 characters.

3. Make your Search Bar Easy to Locate and Use

Search bars are very useful on websites since they can make it easier for users to look for the things they are looking for.  The tendency of people when they can’t find the one they are looking for is just to leave the website and search for others. Making your search bar effortless to see will make people stay longer on your page and search longer.

4. Put Section Headings

Having headings can make viewers find things easily and your website will look more organized. According to survey websites with headings has more viewers compared with those without headings. It can also help people to remember what they have read. This means they can remember the content of your websites and if they need to check it again they can see it easily. This can lead to more people revisiting your website because they can find their interest here.

5. Color Contrast Can Make your Website More Attractive

Color contrast will encourage people to take a look at your website because they find the color attractive. This can be a good start to attract people to land on your website. People have a tendency to like looking at colorful pages on the internet. This technique can be good to attract more viewers.

Get the best of UI Design Website by consulting your web designer to input details in your website according to the Tips given.