May 16, 2024


The Joy of Technology

Features to Look for In Modern Shared Hosting

10 Features That You Should Look For In The Modern Shared Hosting Plans

Many companies overlook the importance of a hosting provider in India until a major issue arises. During these moments, you realise you often pay for basic service with limited security and performance features. 

As websites have become essential for business operations, even a short downtime can result in revenue loss, dissatisfied customers, and harm to your brand. 

Opting for a reputed Linux Shared Hosting service is an investment that ensures business continuity and safeguards your brand reputation.

Top 5 Features to Look for in Modern Shared Hosting

  1. Uptime Guarantee

Frequent periods of website downtime can harm your brand reputation. 

While occasional maintenance and updates may require brief periods of offline time, choose a Web Host that provides a reliable uptime guarantee for most of the accounting period. 

Look for a hosting plan with a minimum 99.9% uptime guarantee to keep your website accessible. If you require 100% uptime, consider alternative hosting options such as Cloud Hosting.

  1. Bandwidth without Restrictions

Look for a Shared Web Hosting plan where the Web Host offers unlimited bandwidth. The available bandwidth determines how quickly your website can deliver content to visitors, especially during peak traffic. 

Ample bandwidth is a must for expanding your audience and boosting sales. With unlimited bandwidth, you can host your desired website and applications without limitations.

  1. Free SSL Certificate for Security Purposes

In your search for an efficient and cost-effective Shared Hosting plan, you may come across web hosts that offer a free SSL certificate with their Linux Shared Hosting plans. 

As you invest in a web hosting package, acquiring an SSL certificate for your website becomes inevitable since secure websites are highly valued by both Google and its users. 

Therefore, the best Shared Hosting plan will offer a free SSL certificate and lets you set up a website without purchasing an SSL certificate separately.

  1. Unlimited Storage Options

As your website grows with additional applications, graphics, videos, more pages, or expanding customer databases, you will require more storage space on the server’s hard drive.

While some hosts may offer limited storage space while others provide unlimited options, paying for your needed storage is essential. 

Budget hosting plans often have lower data storage limits, so strike the right balance between cost and the required storage capacity, avoiding excessive and insufficient storage allocations.

  1. Unlimited Websites

While you may require only one website, you may want to establish additional ones as your business expands. For instance, you might prefer separate websites for mobile and desktop visitors rather than responsive themes. 

Also, if you start catering to different countries, you may need distinct websites for each market. Regardless of the future, ensure that your Shared Web Hosting plan does not limit the number of websites you can host.

Key Takeaway

There are numerous other factors to consider when choosing a Web Host, such as the extent of customer support. However, the ones mentioned above can greatly assist you in making the right choice for your business and website.

Whilst selecting your best pick, take your time and carefully evaluate all available options. By carefully evaluating a Shared Hosting provider, you can save significant time and avoid unnecessary complications.